
This command is used to delete or checkpoint job(s). They are designed by their identifier.


-c, --checkpoint        send checkpoint signal to the jobs
-s, --signal <SIG>      send signal SIG to the jobs
-b, --besteffort        change the specified jobs to besteffort jobs (or
                        remove them if they are already besteffort)
    --array             handle array job ids, and their sub jobs.
    --sql <SQL>         select jobs using a SQL WHERE clause on table jobs
                        (e.g. "project = 'p1'")
                        force jobs stuck in the Finishing state to switch to
                        Terminated (Warning: only use as a last resort)


# oardel 14 42

(delete jobs 14 and 42)

# oardel -c 42

(send checkpoint signal to the job 42)