
This command is used to add, edit or remove the admission rules.

The admission rules are a piece of Perl code that is executed in the oarsub command just before to submit the job to the system.

Options are:

-S, --show-all
  -Y, --enabled              show enabled admission rules only
  -N, --disabled             show disabled admission rules only

-S, --show-all
-s, --show [rule-id]
  -I, --id                   show #rule-id only
  -f, --full                 show full script
  -H, --no-header            show script only
  -w, --to-file [filename]   write script to file (%% replaced by #rule-id)

-n, --new
-m, --modify <rule-id>
  -e, --edit [cmd]           edit script using editor or cmd if provided
  -r, --from-file <filename> read script from file instead of running editor
  -P, --priority <priority>  set priority for rule
  -Y, --enabled              enable admission rule
  -N, --disabled             disable admission rule

-d, --delete <rule-id>
  no option